This list is relatively comprehensive, but terse. For details about each operator, see
Advanced Biomedical Image Analysis, where many of these operators are described in
detail. In fact, the examples in that book were almost exclusively created
with Crystal Image.
File Functions
The "native" file format is TIFF. Cimage reads and writes 8-bit, 16-bit, single-
precision floating point and 24-bit RGB images.
3D images are read and written as 3D TIFF files (unlike ImageJ, which uses multi-
entry TIFF files with one entry per Z slice)
Rudimentary DICOM reader
False-coloring 3-channel load loads three grayscale images into red, green, and blue
channels, thus creating a composite RGB image
Joining of multiple files as a 3D stack
Raw import of simple header-data formats and ASCII formats
Import of more exotic file formats, such as the Astrophysics .wim format (file format used by
Astrophysics x-ray line scanners to store dual-energy data) and the Compix SimplePCI .cxd format
(used by some confocal manufacturers) -- although the .cxd import filter is still rudimentary.
Save function for TIFF, PNM, raw and raw ASCII formats with optional lossless compression
Direct output of OpenDX-format files for publication-quality 2D and 3D rendering
Direct export of some 2D data to Gnuplot for publication-quality figures
Basic Image Manipulation
Logical byte/word masking (for example to import signed 12-bit data)
Cyclical shifts (vertical and horizontal)
Offset correction
Data format conversion
Rescaling, rotating, binning, cropping, padding
ROI-based pixel manipulation (such as simulating additive noise)
Variable-size filters: Gaussian smoothing, Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG), Local variance,
local maxima, local Hoelder exponent, Kuwahara operator, range operator
Edge enhancement: Sobel operator, compass operator, Frei and Chen operator
Global and local histogram equalization
Adaptive Spatial-Domain Filters
MMSE filter (local adaptive lowpass)
Tristate median filter
Anisotropic diffusion
Adaptive bilateral filter
Fourier-domain processing and FFT-based ffilters
FFT and inverse FFT
Discrete Hartley transform
Lowpass filters with Gaussian or Butterworth profile
Wiener filter
Homomorphic, Butterworth and Oppenheim highpass filters
Optional Hamming, Hann, or Gaussian window
Wavelet-based processing
Forward and inverse 2D-DWT (Mallat's algorithm)
Coefficient shrinking
Thresholding functions
Manual single threshold and dual treshold (range threshold)
Optional binary thresholding, soft thresholding and hard threshloding